Fundamental Analysis of Cudos

Sumit Shukla
5 min readSep 14, 2021


There are two types of Analysis whenever we want to invest in any projects, first is Fundamental & the second one is technical analysis. In my opinion Fundamental Analysis is the backbone of any investor who wants to invest in any particular project. If you are researching any project then you should focus on three main factors to say that the project is Fundamentally strong, those factors are Vision-Team-Achievement.

In this article, we will try to analyse Cudos Network on Fundamentals, so this article is going to be a little bit big but it will be worth your time 100%. Where we will see Vision of Cudos, Team of Cudos & their achievements so far. So, let’s dive into Fundamental Analysis of CUDOS.

Visions of CUDOS

Cudos has Vision on improving Cloud computing services which is core of the project, as they are using blockchain technology they have few more visions to improve blockchain space.

Cloud Computing:-

From the inception of Cloud computing it’s under big tech giants which you can say monopoly of those giants, as they are market leader without any big competition they stopped innovating and keep on that model of installing big data bases for the source, which is eventually increases the cost and consumers have to pay more and the cost is keep increasing day by day.

Sometimes problems are so simple but when we think about solutions, it looks complicated, Cudos came with a Vision on reducing Cost of Cloud Computing which seems impossible but their plan was to make it happen.

In today’s world where we have billions of smartphones,PC & Laptops and millions of gaming consoles so of them are at idle form or utilised at minimal, if they can provide their idle computing resources then their will be no need of setting up big infrastructure to fulfill the needs, Cudos is building a robust, secure infrastructure to make this happen where users can sell their idle computing power for some extra money.

Blockchain Visions of CUDOS:-

Although Cloud computing is the core of Cudos for always but as we all know Cudos is also working on its own Cudos Blockchain, So they have Visions for blockchain space as well which make Cudos an great choice in different Blockchain fields like Cudos blockchain will be capable of creating Smart Contract which will host DeFi to grow on native Cudos Blockchain, Cudos is aware of NFT space importance that’s why they are making sure that Cudos Blockchain will we capable of hosting NFT’s on the Blockchain.

Oracles are also an emerging market in Blockchain but Cudos is targeting this market with Cloud computing resources which will enable other Blockchains to use this data with Cudos oracles. Cudos is also working on connecting multiple Blockchain by creating Blockchain Bridges which will Cudos Blockchain to connect with Algorand, Ethereum, Cosmos & polkadot initially and after that more Blockchain will be connected.


Project Vision is important for first impression when we start the analysis but the most important thing in my opinion is the Team of the project because they are the backbone of any project if the Team is weak, False promising then whatever the vision project has it will be a failure, but on the other side if the Team is promising & delivering on the deadlines it can make project go on next level that’s why I focus on the team. After the brief explanation of Team importance, let’s look at theTeam of CUDOS.

Matt Hawkins, CEO & Founder:-

Mr. Hawkins is the main guy when we talk about Cudos he is the CEO & also one of main founders of CUDOS,talking about him he is a successful entrepreneur founded many tech companies in UK one them is C4L which is an internet infrastructure provider which serviced ~1% of the UK market, which has won many awards and he successfully exited the project to funds its new idea of Cudo Ventures which now controls Cudos. He also won Entrepreneur Of The Year at Dorset Business Awards and HSBC’s South West Business Thinking Winner.

Pete Hill, VP of Sales:-

Me. Pete previously worked with mr. Hawkins in C4L where he built and managed a 250-strong partner channel that included over 30% of the top 100 managed service providers and value added resellers. With a BA (Hons) degree in Computing & Internet Technology and 12 years IT industry experience, Pete has a vast technical understanding of cloud and internet service provider technologies.

For more info about Team you can check out this link because talking about each member is not possible in one article.


Moving on last and also an important part of analysis to get the idea of achievements of the team, it will help to analyse the projects performance and what they have achieved till now. So let’s find out what cudos has achieved so far in its journey….

Completed Goals:-

Cudos has achieved so many things from its initial days when its was launched under name of Cudo ventures, they have more than 300k users across 145+ countries, 50k+ Nodes more than so many top blockchains more than half a billion TFLOPS of Computing Power to fulfill the needs of consumers. It’s like sharing a long story in short when we talk about achievements of Cudos. In the early 2021 Cudos also had a successful token sale; now they are live on various exchanges to trade.

Powerful Backing by Ventures:-

They have so many backers including Animoca Brands, Borderless capital,GBV, Duck Dao & many big ventures that have backed Cudos. There may be a reason that’s why so many ventures have backed it.


The list of partners are also long recently Cudos has announced partnership with one of top-50 Projects Elrond, besides that Cudos have some big names in the list like AMD, Algorand(one of top-20 projects), Animoca Brands( which is also an backer) and many more.


This is a full Fundamental Analysis of Cudos and at the end I would like to say to all the readers that it all depends on you how you look at the Vision-Team-Achievements of CUDOS. I have tried my best to show all the available facts about Cudos.

To know more about Cudos you can visit their official website

