Why I staked all my CUDOS?

Sumit Shukla
3 min readSep 22, 2023


Surviving crypto winter is hard, and sometimes you can panic sell your holdings even though the crypto you hold has strong potential. As the prices start to go down, we sometimes lose control and, in panic, sell them. To avoid this kind of behaviour-driven selling for CUDOS and many other reasons, I staked all my CUDOS. In this article, I will explain why I staked all my CUDOS and why you should also consider this step if you believe in CUDOS.

Strong Fundamentals

Fundanmentals is one big reason why I decided to buy any crypto in the first place, and in my view, CUDOS is one of the strongest projects I hold and am still buying. In the past, I have written many articles on why CUDOS is really a strong project. Here’s one of my previous articles, which talks about how strong the foundations are with the help of 4T Fundamental Analysis for CUDOS. Read them if you want to learn more about the foundations of CUDOS. To conclude, this is my biggest reason why I staked all my CUDOS.

To survive without selling

Another big reason I staked my CUDOS is pretty obvious: to survive the crypto winter. When you have crypto in your wallet that is not locked or staked but simply open to transfer at any time, this is a big red flag in the bear market as prices continue to fall. Sometimes panic overtakes our thoughts, and we sell our holdings only to regret that step when the price starts to recover. I have already experienced this with Ethereum in the past, where I panickedly sold my ethereum at 200 in the last bear market. To avoid that, I generally prefer locking my crypto’s or staking them, as it takes time to unlock or unstake them, and I believe until the crypto’s are free to move, panic goes away.

So this is the main reason after fundamnetal that I staked all my CUDOS, as I believe in CUDOS and believe that it will reward all my patients in the next bull market. Although I am hodling it for the next five or more years, sometimes it just feels good when the price is high.

Staking for more CUDOS

CUDOS is currently offering a CUDOS staking rate of about 8.48%, which is the next biggest reason why I staked all my CUDOS. By staking, you are generating more CUDOS in your portfolio, which can give you a sense of relief as your DCA is also going down for CUDOS holdings if you have that perspective, or else you can say passive income for staking your CUDOS.

Participating in the network

This is also one perspective; if you are willing to stake CUDOS, that means you are truly believing in CUDOS. Staking is also a great way to participate in the network. Compared to if you are holding CUDOS in an exchange wallet, it can or cannot increase your attention towards the CUDOS ecosystem, but if you stake CUDOS, then you become part of the ecosystem. As the number of staked tokens increases, the liquid supply from the market is reduced, which limits the downfall of tokens to some extent. As the number of stakes increases, it also attracts new holders to stake their tokens as they see other people believing in the project.


Staking CUDOS is so beneficial, preventing you from selling in your panic mode to generate some passive income for you and also making you part of the larger CUDOS ecosystem. Even though the amount you staked is small, as you stake, you contribute to some extent to building a more robust system. So I hope you now understand why I have staked all my CUDOS.



Sumit Shukla
Sumit Shukla

Written by Sumit Shukla

writing about crypto is my passion ❤️

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